I had two women in my bedroom last night

May 24, 2013 12:21

This is something I never thought I'd say. But it did happen. Not just one lady, but two. With the lights off. And it was all over in a matter of minutes.

Sorry I'm being naughty! LOL!
The ladies were environmental health officers from the council coming to investigate my complaint about the new bright street lights.
They agreed with me (in principle) saying that wanting to keep part of the blind up in the summer to get some air without being bothered by that bright light is a reasonable expectation.
But they added that of course they won't start an action against another council department. Said that, they promised they will get in touch with the street light department to see if something can be fitted to deflect the light and prevent it from shining in our bedroom.
They said that it may take some time.
It is a little step forward.

In other news about Moi, I'll start wearing glasses when working at the PC from next week. Which means most of the day then!
I went for an eye test on Monday and I was told that I'm slightly astigmatic. Yes I'm getting old.

Talking of getting old, last week I bought a new pair of Speedos (Aquashorts). Nothing too flashy of course: black with yellow writing on the short legs.
I've tried them on and later when asked by the very young shop assistant if they were OK, I replied that they were a good fit but I was wondering whether I was too old for them. The silence and the pitiful smile that ensued gave me the answer. But I bought them anyway with a mental 'Screw you!'

Last Sunday evening we had Michael and Christopher round for a dinner. And a very Italian menu.
Aperol Spritz. Grilled Caprese with homemade focaccia. Turkey tonnato. Creamy baked gnocchi with prawns, sage and spinach. Strawberry, amaretti and zabaglione cups.
It was a late night. And I was rather tired on Monday morning.

Monday night was another late night because we worked on some new floral cards.
Tuesday night was a late night because Enid took us and another two neighbours (Carol and Mark) out for dinner. And then we placed the order for the cards when we got home.
On Wednesday evening after Adrian got back from his Italian class, I was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa while pressing buttons on the remote control to change channels.

It's been a really busy week at work with quite a bit of stress.
This evening I'm treating myself to a massage. Michael (who is also an actor - he was in a TV series a number of years ago called "Metrosexuality" which I didn't watch) is wonderful with his hands. Pleasure, and pain when he finds some of the knots in the muscle. He suggested the Power Plate machines at the gym to treat the knots (shoulders and thighs) but I'm too self-concious to do so - it would mean assuming some very strange positions!

On Sunday night there was a horrific homophobic assault in a park in Penge (well Anerley really).

This was just the night before all the hoo-hah in the House of Commons during the debate on the same-sex marriage bill.
Luckily, the attempts to wreck the bill were defeated but it was quite saddening and shocking to hear some of the remarks made by some of the MPs. One said that "there are plenty in the aggressive homosexual community who see this [same-sex marriage] as but a stepping stone to something even further". But he couldn't say what that is.
Painting Buckingham Palace pink? Straight-bashing? Founding a gay colony on Mars? Who knows?

As I was going past Buckingham Palace the other night on the 38 bus, I watched people coming out of the palace grounds after one of Her Majesty's Garden Parties. Some couples were holding hands. I did wonder whether I'll see the day when same-sex couples will be coming out of those garden parties holding hands? I don't think so.
Maybe that's what Sir Gerald Howarth had in mind?

But for now I'm happy with same-sex marriage, although - provided that it doesn't get thrown out by the Lords - it won't be until summer 2014 at the earliest.

lights, council, dinner party, gay rights, work

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