Ouch! The week-end

May 21, 2007 17:05

Poor Adrian had toothache the whole week-end and slept very little: mainly in the armchair downstairs as he could not cope with lying in bed for too long.
He had been to see his dentist the week before last re the same tooth and was given some antibiotics; they seemed to be working but all of sudden the pain started again on Friday evening and got worse.

Thank goodness today the pain is much more bearable (I don't think he only said it for my benefit: he did sound better on the phone earlier today.) Let's hope that the pain goes away completely!

We did very little! I didn't leave the house at all, except for a  quick trip to Homebase to buy a couple of pots for the garden.
It was a rather depressing week-end for me too: watching someone you love so dearly in pain is, in many ways, even worse than experiencing the pain yourself as you are totally helpless.

toothache, adrian

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