Be careful what you wish for!

Jun 06, 2011 20:13

The weather has been so dry in the last few months that I've often found myself wishing for some rain.
Well it all arrived yesterday afternoon... in time for our local Open Gardens event! 
At first it was drizzle and then heavy rain.

People were not put off (good idea to sell the tickets in advance! LOL) and neighbours and their friends visited 17 gardens around the estate.

Ours was opened too and we also sold greeting cards (with pictures of the/inspired by the cottages taken by a number of residents, including yours truly) and jars of 2 different local honeys produced by the lovely Miranda's and Lynne's bees. (Profits went to the residents' association).

In spite of the rain there was a lively (and very British!) atmosphere and we met some new neighbours too.

Here's Adrian with everything ready

and here are 2 bears (our friends Alex and Mike) in the woods in our waterproof gazebo

gardens, mike and alex, neighbours

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