Does a leopard ever change its spots?

Oct 05, 2006 22:44

Last night watching the news, I was kind of shocked at hearing David Cameron, the new Conservative Party leader, express his support for civil partnerships.
I know.... aiming at the gay vote and all that, but nevertheless I was impressed.

Sadly not many delegates clapped at his statement - the BBC showed a few who sat stony-faced... (and reminded me so much of the vomiting lady in Little Britain!)

But today in the news it's back to the old Tories!
BBC News - Row over councillor's gay 'joke'

According to the article, this gentleman (you see I can even be polite to the undeserving!) stated:
"I believe in the law of Moses. I'm not a religious fanatic. As long as they do it behind closed doors, I don't mind, but now they [homosexuals] control the media, the television.
They have much stronger control over this country than they should have."

I think he believes that gay people are some kind of alien race (maybe giant lizards I wonder?)

As to the fact that the homosexuals control the media, a study by Stonewall on how lesbian and gay people are portrayed by the BBC reached these conclusions:
"Gay lives are five times more likely to be portrayed in negative terms than positive ones"
"During 168 hours of programmes, gay lives were represented positively for just 6 minutes"
[for the full report, please see TUNED OUT - The BBC's portrayal of lesbian and gay people]

So mr. councillor get your facts straight!

conservative party, politics, homophobia

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