This is the season to party!

Nov 29, 2009 22:47

Saturday was a very lazy day for me. With the excuse of having to keep my leg up, I spent hours first reading the paper and then on the net.
When the time came to go to Michael's party in Camberwell, it was pouring down with rain and we didn't really feel like leaving home.

But our knight in shining armour Lynne was awaiting with the her car(riage) and we did go.

The party turned out to be fun and we met a number of interesting and highly entertaining people.

The funniest guy was Andrew, a very over-the-top and camp gentleman from Camden. When he heard that we were from Penge, his conversation became even more animated (he was spitting everywhere!)
He told us that his mother's waters broke in Maple Road (a street in Penge) and carried on talking about gay life in our neighbourhood in the 1950s.

We learned that there were 4 famous homosexuals but I only remember the "name" of one of them: Frank the Wank.
Also that at the barber's his older brothers had learned the secret to get a free haircut. The barber enjoyed rubbing himself against the boys' arms - his brothers would stick their elbows out and could keep their pocket money.

Of a similar sordid nature was the story of how he managed to get in the now long gone Empire Cinema to see "Ben Hur" but the teddy boy who bought him the ticket was interested in doing more in the dark than just watching the film!

It's funny how at parties you meet people you know or have seen somewhere.
It took me a couple of hours to recall where I had seen one man: it was from the gym a number of years ago (I recognised the slightly unusual but very sexy shape of the back of his skull and recalled his back covered with a very large tattoo of a leatherman).

erstexman's ears must have been burning last night as another person that I recognised from Eurowoof was the gentleman from Brighton that Evan visited in May while he was over here.

Finally, it turns out that most of our friends - and indeed some acquaintances met at the party - know our lovely friends Malcolm & Tony.
Those degrees of separation have shrunk in the gay world!
(By the way, does any of your know Malcolm & Tony?)

Lynne - bless her - insisted on coming to collect us as she was still awake, and we howled with laughter all the way back home talking about the party.

Today, we had lunch/dinner at Lynne's with Miranda, Martin and Utku.
Lynned cooked a wonderful roast chicken with all the trimmings followed by a selection of desserts and cheese and biscuits (Adrian had baked some mince pies this morning).
We are full to bursting and had a marvellous time as always with such fabulous company!

parties, friends

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