Our lovely Lynne

Nov 29, 2009 12:35

A few of you have met our LL (Lovely Lynne - as Ricardo calls her) and know what a wonderful, warm, energetic, down-to-earth, caring person she is.

It was great to see her work with our local Neighbourhood Watch and with our residents' association officially recognised at the "Safer Bromley Awards" on Wednesday night.

Most people at our table knew that she was getting an award but she had no idea whatsoever!

It was kind of hard to keep it a secret for a few weeks. Adrian with some other residents had even been to the Town Hall to record a video tribute that was shown at the awards.

Lynne was almost shell-shocked when she heard her name mentioned as one of the winners in the Community Champions category.
For a moment it didn't quite register but when it did, we just heard a quite loud "Fuck!".

I don't think she really listened to much of what was said about her as she was still in shock.
Then she got on stage to receive the award from the Borough Commander for the Metropolitan Police and, as she was shaking a bit, hugged him!


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