Good Saturday, irritating Sunday

May 10, 2009 22:03

I spent most of Saturday preparing food for the dinner party. It was a good day and I enjoyed the cooking.

Our guests were Lynne, Peter and Sim, and of course Evan.

Here's the menu:
- Focaccia
- Roasted peppers stuffed with tuna and capers
- Pear and Parmesan carpaccio
- Grilled duck breasts with marmalade glaze and potato rosti
- Chocolate and Marsala cake (made by Adrian) with raspberry and hazelnut ice-cream
- White chocolate, pistachio and basil truffles

and here's some food porn!


Today the day was less enjoyable.

I wasted the whole afternoon and part of the evening trying to figure out why I couldn't connect to the internet from my desktop, after installing MfAfee security package.

I tried everything and in the end I had to restore the registry configuration from Saturday.
Things seemed to work then stopped again... Aargh!!! At present, it is working but who knows at the next reboot?


And yes, in case you wondered, erstexman is still alive!

friends, dinner party, food porn

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