The challenge in the House of Lords to the new Sexual Orientation Regulation protecting gay people from discriminations when buying goods and services has failed!
That's great news, especially for common sense! I'm sure lots of people were surprised that businesses such as hotels could (and still can until April) turn away people for being (well looking) gay.
As always some "straight" people seemed to be obsessed by what goes behind closed doors and by anal sex in particular. Doesn't sound very healthy, if you ask me!!
Unfortunately, it is not quite over yet as pointed out by
Stonewall but hopefully the worst of it is.
Message from Ben Summerskill , chief executive of Stonewall
Dear Supporter
I’m delighted to be able to let you know that the House of Lords has just voted by 199 votes to 68 to uphold our new goods and services protections in Northern Ireland where they were introduced on 1 January. This means that the government can now proceed and roll out similar protections across the rest of Britain .
It’s great news and I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible. This is the largest majority we’ve ever had in the House of Lords.
As you know, there’s been a highly inflammatory and well-funded campaign to oppose these much-needed protections. In recent weeks, it’s reached depths of unpleasantness which we haven’t seen for some years. That’s a stark reminder of how much prejudice still exists.
Regrettably, we may face another similar parliamentary battle over the GB regulations in a few weeks. But knowing we have the support and encouragement of so many people makes a huge difference to us.
Thank you.
With best wishes,