The addict

Jan 27, 2009 16:25

Adrian thinks that I have an addictive streak in my personality. He's right.

If I like something, I may do it over and over again for a while.
The old saying "Everything in moderation" was very much part (in a different form, obviously) of my upbringing. But it isn't really me.

I may eat the same type of crisps (chips) day in day out for weeks and then will suddenly stop; or go to a certain sex club every week-end and then progressively diminish the frequency of my visits until I'd rather have a nice cup of tea.

(Luckily the quiet, sensible part of me - and not virtue or morals - has always kept me away from ruinous addictions).

What makes me stop? Boredom, normally!

So should you not see me on LJ for a while, it could be simply that I've developed a new, time-devouring addiction or that I got bored with my posts and my pictures!

addictions, lj

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