Welsh Black Cherry

Jan 26, 2009 09:00

One day of dry weather, one day of rain and wind. This is last week-end's balance.

On Saturday we did some gardening: we moved all the roses from the front garden (where they are not doing too well because it's too shady) to the back (and side).
Hope they'll enjoy their new dwellings and show some gratitude this year!

Yesterday we went to Peggy's 80th birthday surprise party. Peggy is a neighbour from the opposite end of the street and her son organised the celebration at the HSBC Sport and Social club, a 10 minute walk away. (Adrian and Lynne went there in the morning to decorate the rooms).
It went better than anticipated (i.e. I wasn't bored out of my mind!)

(Adrian got wet on the way home)  I think this look kind of suits him!

Later in the evening, Lynne called for nightcap and a chat, and we opened a wonderful bottle of Black Cherry brandy. We enjoyed it on its own first, and then diluted it with some Cava.

We drank to the good health of our dearest friends David and Richard, who gave us the bottle. Thank you, Darlings: it was superb!

lynne, cherry, david and richard, adrian

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