July Camp NaNo

Jul 24, 2018 08:58

 I have officially, completely and utterly given up all hope of even coming close to completing Camp NaNo this month.

It started off great, ahead of the game and all, but doc appointments for my back, a horrid work schedule (yes, I make the schedule, but 9 times out of ten I give myself the shitty shifts as opposed to any of my co-workers), plus a general lack of motivation and I'm sitting here on day 24 with on 4kish words out of 20k done. Add in a (surprise!) vacay next week and I'm done.

I'm upset, angry, irritated mostly because I'm trying to finish the first draft of my original novel before what's left of my brain oozes out of my ears.

Yes, I know all the general particulars on how it needs to end, I just can't seem to put the proverbial pen to paper to GET IT DONE.

I know what you're thinking," It's NaNo no sleep is a part of it. Stay up all night and finish it."

Well, in truth I'd love to do that but my co-workers would HATE me for it.

See, I'm old, and while I sleep like crap as it is, if I sleep less, I'm utterly useless. They've seen this on days when I've had evil clopens (close late, open early). I can function, but barely, and never am at my perky best. (Keep in mind I, in no way, shape or form, am a "perky" person. Mornings are NOT my thing and I only work them when I have to -- provided copious amounts of caffeine are supplied)

What's worse is I love writing. Love getting the stories in my head out and told in a way others seem to enjoy.

I just can't seem to do so as of late.

writing; life the universe and everythin

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