this weeks round-up

Jul 19, 2009 23:01

Soooo, Transformers was quite good, I must say.

Last weekend's Nationals started with a bang -- we drove under a funnel cloud on our way to downtown Orlando.  Ah, the fun we have here.

Shooting Stars did most excellent at IDC.  Took most of the top awards including 1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall in the Junior Division.  Considering we only took a portion of our routines (none of our solos, duos, or trios) we majorly kicked ass.  On more than one occasion I had people oohing and aahing over our routines, and many a "you guys are sooooo good" when wandering about in the studio t-shirt.  Not that there weren't other great routines/studios, but it was quite clear that overall we were just one step above the rest.  Considering I'm barely mediocre at anything I do I'm quite proud of my child and all the kids at the studio and the level of performance they've attained.  Two of our routines were even chosen for the webcast and filmed last Sunday afternoon.

Work has been insane, what with some bigwigs due on Tuesday.  Sadly I'm not really giving a flying fuck.  Oh, I'm doing the extra work along with everyone else, but I just can't seem to care unduly.  I mean if we pass/win great, if not it's not going to be the end of the world.  My job possibly, but not the end of the world.  I'd drop the management thing in a heartbeat if I could, but I can't afford the pay cut.

I really need to put in the effort to find a real job.  I'm too freaking old for a career, so just something that doesn't annoy me and pays what I'm really worth would be nice.  Graphics or writing related would be a plus.  Oy.

dance, nationals, lifetheuniverseandeverything

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