update on life, the universe, and Nationals.

Jul 10, 2009 11:16

So, yeah, been a wee bit busy.

Last weekend was the Starpower Nationals down at the Dolphin hotel hiding in Walt Disney World.

Our Shooting Stars did amazingly well.  Taking top marks across the board.  Twelve of our routines (out of some 600+) made it to the Battle of the Stars.  We then proceeded to make an impressive showing against the best of the best.  Some 65 routines (including ours) competing for the tippity-top marks.  Two of my daughters routines (Rubberneckin' and Hairspray) took second place in their categories.  Keep in mind Hairspray (made up of 7-12 year olds) took second to a group of adults (min age 25 at a guess) which included all the dance instructors from that particular studio.

We then took the senior Victory Cup (highest points overall in the Battle) with our routine "I Have Nothing."

I am so stupidly proud of my child and all the performers of the studio.

This weekend is the IDC Nationals.  Miss Melissa and the studio has never competed here before, so the rules are a bit different, and, since we did not go to their regionals, we had to qualify last night.  We did fine, I s'pose.  I think some of the routines were lots better than the judges, but I am a bit biased.  Gwen is off for today, but competes tomorrow and possibly on Sunday with their "Entertainment Awards," which we are assuimng are IDC's version of Battle, with the best of the best competeing against each other for top prizes.

We're in a hotel tonight thru Sunday just to make it easy on us, given her ugly schedule and the hour at which the whole shebang gets over.  Bit of a drive from har to thar and in downtown, no less, which sucks to drive in at any time.

On a more personal note: works sucks and if I could afford to quit I would.  In a heartbeat.  But I'm the one funding the majority of the dance costs and racking up quite the balance on my Amex card.  *sigh*  Life sucks.

I've not written a word in months and while my mind swirls with, not just ideas, but all the actual words, I utterly fail when it comes time to write/type them down.

I lost so friggen much when my hard drive crashed that the idea of rewriting is just... daunting.

And I miss writing, damn it.

Oh, and teh boy texted me yesterday all wimpery 'cause I wasn't going to be at S-L this year and fishing for the 'oh woe is me' from me. He apparently didn't care for my "I'm gonna be too busy to notice" response since the texts instantly stopped.  *rolls eyes*    Seriously?   Minions are no fun when they get all whiny and pitiable at you.

Torchwood:  I'll say only this:  I'll give RTD credit for following in Joss' footsteps.  So far, the series has been quite excellent, and not (yet) made the plot turn I suspected in Day 1.  Still one day for it to do so, but I will be impressed if I miss this time.

dance, nationals, torchwood, lifetheuniverseandeverything, competition

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