so that's (mostly) done

Jul 06, 2008 17:52

I've packed for Shore Leave.  Yes, days and days early by most standards.  But I kinda had to.  Monday I work all day then have to buzz over to I-Drive and check into a hotel.  It's Nationals week, gods save me.  Early Tuesday and Wednesday my young-un will be on stage dancing her wee little heart out.  Yes, I could have done this from home, but... at that time of day the traffic would be horrendous and we'd have to leave at 0500 or thereabouts to have any hope of getting there at a reasonable hour.  The hotel is right down the street and we'll get a bonus hour of sleep by staying there.

Wednesday is the finals, and if either of the mook's dances are in it, she'll be back on stage sometime after seven p.m.  Urk.  I'm hoping to go home for a few hours and nap in the event that happens because sometime around midnight, I'm hitting the road heading for
lyndasty to pick her up.  Then it's another eight hours (seven to Desi's) to pick up Krys and get to the con hotel.

I'm gonna need a drink and a nap when I arrive, though not necessarily in that order.  Patron anyone?

I've picked up a car charger for my Blackberry (did I mention I went full geek?), one for my iPod, got my hair cut (Krys you will be shocked) and colored (again prepare to boggle, m'dears) and have a new leather corset to strut around in.  *snorfle*  Me strutting, that is just sooooooo wrong.  Still need to make some adjustments to the drop holster and wear the BDU cap some more, but that I can do during the week.

I may not get online again until after the con.  I will get my gmail emails, so if you need to contact me, that's your best bet.

dance, cons, lifetheuniverseandeverything, shore leave

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