companionpalooza '08

Jul 06, 2008 07:54

So, yeah, end of season, era, journey.

Generally liked the finale, though there were indeed points where I rolled my eyes and thought, "get on with it, will you", but overall a decent romp.

Oddly enough I am going to miss Donna/Catherine Tate, which rather surprised me.  I hated her (still not certain if it was the character or the actress) in The Runaway Bride, but by the end of the first ep. liked her, and grew to love her.  She was the damn near perfect companion for the Doctor and I am going to miss her horribly.  Moffat is going to have to do something remarkable to top Donna.  I suspect the "specials" will have one-shot companions, before they decide on a new one for 2010.  Maybe they'll go male and not human, al la Turlogh.

Overall, a satisfying season and finale -- all the companions around the controls was priceless, I suspect we'll see many a wallpaper with that theme in the near future -- and I'm already waiting impatiently for Christmas.

fandom, doctor who

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