assorted bits and peices

May 02, 2008 08:16

I'm off to another competition this weekend.  Ft. Lauderdale this time and then we get a break until Nationals in July.  Woot!  I don't know which is stressing me more: work or all this bloody running about for dance.  I know damn well that I haven't any real me time and I'm getting tired real fast.

Plans for Shore Leave are moving along swiftly, though I am having some problems collecting all the gear I need for my SG costume.  Who knew it would be so hard to get a pair of bleedin' boots?  Every pair I've ordered has ended up being permanently out of stock and my money refunded.  Pain in the ass, let me tell you.

I still need a BDU cap (first one I bought was too big and my son bought it from me), boots (Magnum Response 8", please), and a P90 harness.  I know where to get the latter, just need a week where the fundage is available.  I also need to pick up a black leather underbust corset, again I know where I'm getting it from, just need the fundage.

Now, on an entirely over-the-top fannish note, I finally, after many, many years of just not getting around to it, got my ouroboros tattoo.  Please ignore the crappy picture quality, the only camera handy was the one in my cell phone.

Ignore the crap in the background, the spouse is rearranging and can only seem to do it in fits and starts so the place looks trashed in between.

Since I am indeed gone again this weekend, I'll be shutting off the VS message board.  Tis not permanent, just necessary to save me a major headache when I return.  Spambots are wreaking havoc over there and I'm fucking tired of it.  Since I can't turn off registration, I turn off the board when I'm not available to police it.

I'll be around most of the day today, but otherwise I'll see y'all on Monday after work.

dance, cons, lifetheuniverseandeverything

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