Games games games games

May 12, 2013 17:41

Buying an Xbox 360 turned my life around, almost. I did like playing games before, of course, but I never really played that much. I started playing a bit more when I was in Sweden, possibly partially due to GameStop selling PS2 games, and it's always nicer to just go to a shop and get a game instead of lurking on the internet. In Sweden I also played Xbox for the first time, and it was quite cool. It made me buy the console sonner, I guess.

Recently I'm all about games. I'm so awfully monothematic that it's actually sad. Whenever I talk to somebody eventually I start talking about games. Fail. Ever since I bought Xbox in November I've been playing 5 or more hours daily, with small breaks when I had to focus on my thesis, for example. I brought 10 games from Sweden, but haven't played them all yet. And so far I cleared only Alice: Madness Returns on 100% achievements, but I still have the old American McGee's Alice game to finish, and I'm stuck in chapter 2. I'm also done with Mini Ninjas (I bought later) and Prince of Persia. Some games I just started but put off for later, like Wet or Alan Wake (that I bough very recently).

My main reason to buy X360 was to be able to play new games. Since I don't want to clutter my computer with games, and I just prefer console gaming. All the games I bought back then were quite dates, and newest ones were Alice: Madness Returns (2011) and Devil May Cry HD Collection (2012, but games are still 2001-2006). Then came the new Tomb Raider. I spent on it almost all my month's money, but it was worth it. I pre-oredred the game and played when it was new. I could read about it and follow the discussions, it was quite amazing. As much as I would like to play some older games, I just cannot deny the fact that playing newer ones is much more joyful since I can follow up with others.

Last week I got my copies of Hitman: Absolution and Resident Evil 6 shipped. Ever since I cannot unglue myself from Hitman. I've never played stealth before, except for those elements in Tomb Raider, but it's so much fun. Both games are late 2012, so it makes them around half a year old, but it's still better than 2010 or earlier ^^; And also new game graphics are quite amazing. In this case Tomb Raider is a definite leader.

And my list of games to buy grows. Most of them are still single player though. Playing with a friend in co-op or multiplayer is definitely fun, but it's just that the games I'm interested in as per setting, plot, etc. are usually single player. So in these terms it doesn't make much difference how old the game is since I'm playing alone. But in case of let's say Resident Evil 6, most people have completed the game by now, and others don't buy it due to poor reviews. But I always wanted to play a Resident Evil game. I played a bit RE4 (and watched a speedrun) and RE5, but never completed any. I was playing RE5 in co-op mode which was quite awesome, and I would love to repeat that. But if I got RE5 I don't think there would be anybody to play co-op with. So maybe, I'm gonna have more luck with RE6, hopefully.

I think I'm gonna buy a second gamepad, and in any case I can possibly play local co-op then, I have 2 possible candidates. And now when I finally have the co-op/multiplayer games I can buy it. Another $35 to say goodbye to, possibly >_>

I gotta find a job, really. I need money for gaming XD

gaming, can't get enought of that shit, money money come to me please, resident evil

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