Who: Wilm and Manny When: Thursday, September 15, evening Where: An art supply store in Liberty What: Two men, both somewhat alike in their need for art supplies.
Who: Lizzy and Moonpie When: Friday evening-Saturday morning, February 4th-February 5th Where: Moon's house What: Two old BFF's gather for a sleepover. That's all :3 With matching pj's.
WHO: Sindre and Willem WHEN: Friday, 4 February, 21:43ish. WHERE: Willem's place WHAT: Willem is introduced to The Great Slash Dragon British television in America.
Who: Søren and Willem When: Friday, March, late evening Where: Amsterdam, 2006 What: Once upon a time a Dutchman was showing the De Wallen to a tourist, and ran into this Danish man who happened to be there as well.
WHO: Thera and Remy WHEN: Friday, December 10 WHERE: Gallivanting among several shops with extremely expensive good-looking clothing. WHAT: When Thera said she'd take Remy out shopping for clothing to wear to New York, Remy's worst fashion fears are realized... ( Commence tag: island girls have nice coconuts )