Every time you call-

Mar 23, 2012 22:57

WHO: Emiliana and Matthew
WHEN: Friday night, March 23rd
WHERE: ____________
WHAT: A belated, if awkward, phone call.

Matthew: *steals one of his companion's phones and dials Em's number quickly*

Emiliana: *is lying in bed, tv on in the background before she suddenly hears her phone ring loudly beside her. She stares for a moment, unsure, before answering* Hello...?

Matthew: Bonsoir ma belle.

Emiliana: Mm, hola Mateo.

Matthew: *takes a slight breath in* How are you?

Emiliana: *stays silent for a moment* ....Okay. I'm, okay. Not as sick as before, if that's what you mean.

Matthew: That, your feelings about me being gone, school... What have you. I'm glad you are- getting better, at very least.

Emiliana: I'll...be getting my Master's in the next few months. I've been busy with research and, ah, you know how it is. *pauses* I don't know what you want me to say about my feelings regarding you being gone. I was - am - hurt. Confused. Angry at first. Furious, considering- *she breaks off* Just a mess of emotions, I guess.

Matthew: *sniffs a bit and takes in another breath, smoking on the other side of the line* Congradulations. But- It was badly timed, horribly, on my part. But I just wanted to apologize as much as I could here, before we spoke again in person.

Emiliana: *faintly hears this, knows the sound too well, and sighs* Thanks. And you could say that. I mean, I think it would be difficult for someone to deal with having someone confess to them, especially when they were still unsure if it was too early for a relationship, only to have that....person that made them feel like it could work just- Up and leave without a word.

Matthew: *rubs temple* I did leave word for you Emiliana. Not as good as I should have, but I left you a note.

Emiliana: Right. Right, that note. Sorry.

Matthew: But... your anger is still founded. I suppose I just- hope we can have somewhat of a restart? I still have feelings for you ma cherie.

Emiliana: It's going to be awkward. *there's the faint rustling of her bed sheets as she moves to sit up* I don't know what you've been doing, who've you been, what's been happening since you left- It's. Not going to be easy. Y es que....a r-restart could work. I think.

Matthew: Would you like me to explain now, or wait? *sniffs and crushes the butt of his cigarrette against the ground*

Emiliana: I don't think it'll change anything, so whatever you want.

Matthew: It could, or it couldn't. But I want your definite answer on this. Do you want to know where I've been?

Emiliana: I do.

Matthew: *reclines in his seat, taking a breath* I've been travelling with a caravan of sorts. We're a mix matched group- but I've- done the cliche of joining a circus. We've been travelling the continent.

Emiliana: ....I think if I was still feverish, I would consider this a hallucination. But, that would explain the sporadic postcards....

Matthew: Didn't think things like this still existed, hm? Neither did I. It took a bit of convincing... but it's been a once in a lifetime experience.

Emiliana: Not in the states, anyway....but, ah, it sounds like it has been.

Matthew: It's just... given me another outlook on life. It's helped me reset my priorities...

Emiliana: Well....*she's quiet for a moment* If it's helped you, I can't really say much. Especially, pues, if it's what you wanted.

Matthew: I think it was needed. *sighs softly* But... enough about me- what have you been doing lately?

Emiliana: *she makes a quiet noise* Nothing as interesting, if that's what you mean. *laughs faintly* It's just been dealing with John fucking off some place or another without a word, school, almost getting dragged out to some....Valentine's Day thing your brother and a, ah, a friend planned. But it hasn't been much, really. School, work, empty apartment, stress, rinse and repeat with the occassional sickness break.

Matthew: *quiet for a while, worrying away slightly at his lip* I forgot Valentine's. I... am very sorry- for that and for what sounds like a rather stressful situation... Why don't you just stay with Alfred? Or is that- too much?

Emiliana: Mmm, the pink and red decorations covering Liberty gave me a headache. I like sporadic romance, not, ah, obligated romance, I guess. *she shrugs even though he can't see* I may have actually just forgotten about their, er, event. But it's not like I wanted to be surrounded by couples and single guys on a night I could spend at home relaxing. And.....I haven't really spoken to Alfred since last month. I don't want to impose.

Matthew: Em... *sighs softly* I think I didn't even realise we'd had it until a week after... But what has Alfred been up to? That's not like him to not bother you...

Emiliana: Mm, had what? And, ah, I'm not sure. Pienso que....I think he and Ivan were doing things for Valentine's Day the last I heard? They're both fine, I think, but there hasn't been much communication between the three of us since....January. Christmas. I can't remember.

Matthew: Valentines. It would make sense, considering. *sighs* Our- sembalance of a unit is slowly falling apart it seems.

Emiliana: If they're happy. Content. I'm...not sure what to say, but so long as they haven't killed each other yet, I think. *bites her lip before sighing* Maybe not falling apart so much as taking a long break.

Matthew: They're actually quite fond of one another, if in an odd way. At least, that's what I was lead to believe. But I'll be back soon Emiliana. And then we can cut this break off- *some fumbling, his hand covering the reciever as someone starts to talk to him* A-ah, I ought to go cherie- I shall speak with you soon?

Emiliana: .....Ah, yeah. Si. I'll talk to you when, ah, you're back. Or free. Whichever.

Matthew: I'll try to call again- but ah. I miss you, ma belle. Until we speak again.

Emiliana: I, ah, miss you too....Take care. Adios.

mexico, oh shit- we actually need a hetero tag?!, canada, hello again, status: complete, aim thread

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