(no subject)

Mar 28, 2012 01:08

Who: Wilm and Kiku
When: Tuesday, March 27th, 8 pm.
Where: Willem's apartment
What: A realization, a conversation.....

< Moments like this were some of his favorite parts of life.

The apartment was quiet and peaceful, only the hum of the air conditioner and the occasional sound of cars outside breaking the silence. Kiku settled under the covers next to him, Pochi asleep with his head on the Dutchman's ankles as Willem worked his way through a book and a mug of tea.

Moments like this, and ones mirrored at Kiku's apartment, were becoming what he thought about when he thought about home.

He picked up the mug and brought it to his mouth again, only to realize that he'd finished off the contents. A quick glance at the clock showed him it was getting late, so he reluctantly placed a bookmark in his place and put the book on the nightstand next to the mug. Checking to make sure the alarm on his phone was set, he said "Going to do laundry before work tomorrow." >

adorable is how we roll, japan, status: incomplete, adventure time, netherlands, and remember: don't fuck it up

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