Lapse in judgement, lapse in sanity.

Dec 12, 2011 22:06

WHO: Antonio and Emiliana
WHEN: December 12th, Monday afternoon.
WHERE: Dos Llamas (may end up elsewhere?)
WHAT: A much belated reunion between family. Or, more like a much belated and finals-slash-loneliness induced reunion with a Spaniard that shouldn't belong in the family tree.

Emi had yet to determine whether or not that text and invitation she had sent to Antonio could be deemed a lapse in judgement or sanity. Regardless, whatever had compelled her to do such a thing had happened and now she was standing outside of Dos Llamas, wondering if she should have at least picked a different spot for this to happen. Going inside meant dealing with her co-workers and her estranged cousin simultaneously, which, if she thought about it, would only end in a giant headache and potential property (or human) damage.

Sighing, the petite woman buried her hands deeper into the pockets of her pea coat, standing outside of the aforementioned restaurant as she glanced around warily. It had been years since she had last seen her Spanish cousin (at least, outside of any potential instances they may have run into one another without realizing it), so Emi wasn't quite sure if the older man would recognize her.

Hence, of course, the reason why she was braving Liberty's horrible winter by waiting for the other brunette outside.

Glancing at her cellphone to check the time, Emi heaved another sigh as she wondered, idly, whether or not it would be in poor taste to turn back now and return to the warmth of her apartment. 

status: incomplete, he means well, 911 what's your emergency?, spain, mexico, migraines at the door, family time, awkward family moment, south mexico, and remember: don't fuck it up

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