WHEN: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 WHO: My Linh and Hak Soo WHERE: Somewhere between Liberty University and Vichy Plaza WHAT: A small mishap with great agitation.
My Linh frowned. That wasn't a nice assumption at all. She wasn't pulling anything, never mind a prank. What is a "prank" anyway? She opened the dictionary app to look up the word and---the word meant what she thought it meant. My Linh sighed again.
She was in the midst of sending another text message defending her age when the phone vibrated again. Huayuan is Phố Tàu, right? Even though Huayuan was the opposite direction than she was intending to going, retrieving her phone was important enough. And while she was there, she could pick up some ingredients to make something non-Western to eat for dinner for once. Francis was gone on a business trip (indefinitely, she wasn't sure when he would be returning) and Gilbert was often out and about around the time that she eats dinner.
It would be a nice change. Something more homey to make up for the agitating phone situation.
My Linh pulled on the wire, signalling for the bus driver that she wanted to get off at the next stop. She closed the messaging application and opened Google Maps once more. Start: current location, destination: Morong St, Huayuan District.
She was in the midst of sending another text message defending her age when the phone vibrated again. Huayuan is Phố Tàu, right? Even though Huayuan was the opposite direction than she was intending to going, retrieving her phone was important enough. And while she was there, she could pick up some ingredients to make something non-Western to eat for dinner for once. Francis was gone on a business trip (indefinitely, she wasn't sure when he would be returning) and Gilbert was often out and about around the time that she eats dinner.
It would be a nice change. Something more homey to make up for the agitating phone situation.
My Linh pulled on the wire, signalling for the bus driver that she wanted to get off at the next stop. She closed the messaging application and opened Google Maps once more. Start: current location, destination: Morong St, Huayuan District.
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