Who: Gilbert, Ludwig and the list of hopefuls.
When: March 24th, Noon-Whenever
Where: Beilschmidt Fashion Line
What: Hopeful candidates will be run through a rigorous interview process to find if they can be Beilschmidt's next top model/assistant/gopher.
Upon arriving at the redone Theatricality, potential candidates will enter into a completely white room with red furniature and a reception desk. But there won't be a receptionist, why? Because they're hiring, that's why there's candidates. Duh.
It won't be completely white though. Large splatters of paint of nearly every colour will have sprayed across the wall in arcs and lines, as if fired from some kind of gun, with paint as bullets. There will be a tiny note on the reception desk that asks the interviewees to wait patiently before someone will come and collect them.
After a few minutes wait, one of two men will pop up, either a very serious looking blond who will drag you back into an office while the other, an albino with eyes that match the couches that litter the entrance, will take you to a work space with mannequins without clothes. Either way, the interview should go fine. Everyone qualified... Right?
[ooc: soooo Germanry and Gilbo are ready to interview you :U This will be similar to the kissing booth thread, so just post with your character and either Germany or Prussia will answer and thread will ensue. DANKE~]