Idling in a hardware store

Mar 10, 2011 02:02

WHO: Berwald & Veronika
WHEN: Wednesday 9th, afternoon
WHERE: Hardware store
WHAT: Berwald gets to give some advice.

Does he look like he works there...of course he does )

what does it meaaaaaaan, advice, status: complete, other world kingdom, bonding tiemz, sweden

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This is rather crappy, sorry. orz pravdadomina March 10 2011, 01:38:02 UTC
There was probably something about the combination of heels, a pencil skirt, and lipstick that made Veronika stick out tremendously inside the hardware store. Not that the Czech woman was paying much attention to what the other store patrons may have been thinking - or where there eyes may have been lingering, for that matter.

No, she was far too busy trying to determine what exactly she would need. Especially if she wanted to offer Dominka's services for some poor sap this weekend, considering what day landed on the twelfth of March. Duct tape? Yes, she would need that. Twine? Ah, perhaps. Though rope seemed like a good idea, too. And maybe-


Painted lips quirking upwards, Veronika pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose as her attention soon diverted toward the aisle currently occupied by a rather...giant man. A mental shrug and the older woman moved herself in front of the rows of rulers. There was a moment of silence as Veronika's eyes scanned the aisle, trying to determine if she should bother with anymore wooden rulers or buy a few spare steel ones.

"Do you know if any of these wooden rulers are sturdy enough?" She suddenly spoke up, looking toward the tall blond beside her.


oxenstierna_b March 10 2011, 03:31:17 UTC
Berwald... didn't jump, exactly, at suddenly being asked a question but he did freeze for a second and then turn to look at the woman besides him with one of his less pleasant expressions. All because he was startled, of course.

For a moment, there was something about her that reminded of his mother and Berwald's back straightened subconciously, in instictive alarm. Just for a moment, before he realized what he was doing and forced himself to relax. He was being ridiculous, this poor woman didn't even look a bit like his mother...

"Um...'ven't tried m'self," Berwald mumbled sheepishly, before giving the stacks of rulers a narrow eyed, weighing look. He picked up one, scanning it and nodding to himself. "Birch, prob'bly. It's pretty soft 's materials go b't 's an office ruler so 't has some heft t' it anyway." then he shrugged, calmed down by being able to explain something he knew. "Mostly h've used t' steel ones. Last almost forever... if one takes proper care." And didn't borrow them to Peter, of course.


pravdadomina March 10 2011, 04:50:30 UTC
The expression on the man's face, were Veronika to be entirely honest, was somewhat terrifying. No, not somewhat. Exceedingly terrifying. It was nowhere near the death glares she got from her more bold students or the almost murderous gazes she got from both men and women whose partner's attention she attracted.

And she faltered briefly before quickly composing herself as the man began to speak. However, she had to listen quite carefully in order to properly determine what exactly he was saying before she instantly smiled. "I tend to use steel rulers myself, but I was wondering if there were was a wooden ruler out there that, ah, is sturdier than the others."


oxenstierna_b March 10 2011, 21:29:38 UTC
Berwald nodded. He almost wished the woman had asked one of the people who actually worked at the store, except he knew from experience how difficult the staff in this store was to catch. One might think they hid when they saw a customer... but it was probably just because it was such a large store. Much easier to get service in the smaller ones, if one wanted or needed it. Though Berwald almost preferred the bigger stores exactly because of that, he always felt a bit awkward about browsing if a member of a shop's staff was too attentive, like they might be disappointed if he didn't buy something...

"The ones here... can't say without having tried. They look ok?" Berwald answered almost apologetically. "if ya wanted t' be sure, maybe there're special stores f'r... dunno office stuff? B't those might cost more," he continued thoughtfully.


pravdadomina March 12 2011, 05:37:55 UTC
"Mm, I think I can make do with office ones. Being a professor and all. Though, it is always nice to have something extra sturdy at hand." Veronika tossed the man another smile before focusing her attention back to the rulers. She stares for another moment before grabbing a handful to toss into the red shopping basket currently in her left hand.

There's another moment of silence before Veronika suddenly speaks up again, "I...have not been to this particular hardware store, so I am not sure where anything is. Would you happen to know where the rope is, můj drahý?


oxenstierna_b March 13 2011, 01:07:43 UTC
Oh, so that was why she needed so many rulers, probably needed to hand them out to students or something. Maybe she taught architecture or something similar to that.

...but what could a professor need rope for? Berwald gave her a brief bemused look and then decided it might not be related to her job at all.

"It's... uh," he realized that considering how large and maze like the store was, it would be rather uncertain she'd find the right place even with a very long explanation, which Berwald would rather not go through. "Could show ya?" he suggested instead, figuring it was on the way to where he was going anyway. He only stopped to pick up the largest steel ruler and put it into his shopping basket before walking away, glancing to see if the woman was following.


pravdadomina March 14 2011, 05:52:19 UTC
"That would be wonderful, miláčku. Thank you," Veronika replied, smiling gratefully at the Swede before pausing, briefly, in order to grab a steel ruler as well.

She glanced around idly as she followed the man, trying to see if there was perhaps anything else she could buy. Something she could either use at a later date or perhaps find a more, ah, interesting use for. But it seemed as though she was unable to find anything worth her while.

How unfortunate.


oxenstierna_b March 15 2011, 18:33:53 UTC
They arrived at the section with the ropes eventually. There were both precut ones and large coils from which a customer could ask for a specific length.

"Ya know what you're looking f'r?" Berwald asked.


pravdadomina March 18 2011, 04:32:36 UTC
"I need something durable," Veronika murmured before pausing. She wasn't quite sure how to tell the man what she wanted. In the end, rope was rope. And so long as she had something of a somewhat small size and that wouldn't severely hurt anyone, it really did not matter to her all that much. But would telling the blond be considered as rude? Could she, perhaps, say that she was fine now and could continue on her own?

Veronika chewed on the inside of her cheek thoughtfully before smiling at the blond. "I don't need anything too long, really. Or too heavy."


oxenstierna_b March 18 2011, 22:02:00 UTC
"What'd need 't for?" Berwald asked innocently, before glancing at the selection briefly. Most of them were actually quite light.

"Don't like th' use the synthetic fibres so much m'self," he mused aloud. "So slippery they're nearly diff'cult t' tie."


pravdadomina March 19 2011, 21:53:39 UTC
"To tie things down, of course." Veronika replied without missing a beat, tone somewhat playful as she tapped her fingertips against her chin in thought. "And that is true. I do not want to use anything that will be too troublesome to tie."


oxenstierna_b March 21 2011, 12:06:00 UTC
Berwald gave her a brief level look as if to say: of course, and...? but when no further information was forthcoming, he nodded instead.

"Ah, well... if it's heavy stuff an' has to last a while ya need sturdier rope..." he glanced about, pointing a rather rough piece of hemp rope. "I'm not an expert but I used that one f'r building... keeping timber together while working 'n it an' such. It's cheap too." He thought about it for a moment and then added: "although I had t' cut it away in the end 'cause the knots got stuck, maybe because it's so rough, almost left marks 'ven on the wood." He'd had to use gloves when dealing with the rope, even.

"That other's been treated... 's more expensive but a lot softer."


S-Sorry this is so late. ;A; pravdadomina March 27 2011, 21:35:35 UTC
Veronika gave a thoughtful hum, painted lips pursing as her fingertips tapped against her cheek. "I do not anything that is too, ah, rough-" She almost had to laugh at that, but chose to smile brightly at the tall blond instead. "Perhaps I will go with the treated rope. I am not too worried about the price, even with my new professor's salary."

Bending down, she gathered the coiled rope in her hands, weighing it absently and feeling the material before making a satisfied noise in the back of her throat. "This will do." Her eyes flickered upwards, toothy grin on her lip. "Thank you, miláčku."


Well, no harm done oxenstierna_b March 31 2011, 23:16:30 UTC
Berwald nodded in answer. "T'was on my way 'nyway" he said to the thanks. Really, there was something oddly unsettling in that smile, he thought as he watched the woman walk away, the coil of rope hanging from one arm.


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