WHO: Gupta and his Mama
WHEN: (American) Thanksgiving night, Nov. 25 (BACKDATED!)
WHERE: Fancy Mediterranean restaurant.
WHAT: Gupta's not quite... ready to admit that he was dating Sadiq, but he would like his mother's approval anyways.
Gupta stared at the menu, but his heart wasn't into it. In fact, it seemed to be anywhere but where it should be, and he swore that he could feel i beating in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't like he had much to worry about; the restaurant was crowded with families, and he liked the Italian, Greek, and Arabic food here much better than the American food that was offered elsewhere. On the other hand, he didn't quite know how to approach this... problem with his mother.
Frankly speaking, she would flip a table if she knew Gupta was dating Sadiq. On the other hand, if he never once mentioned Sadiq's name and kept his descriptions vague... he was fairly certain that she wouldn't object to him dating a man.
Steeling himself inside, the Egyptian boy waved over a waiter and pointed to the ful medames, a classic Egyptian bean dish. He handed his menu over and nodded in thanks, before turning to his mother. "Do you like anything here?" he asked in Arabic.