Who: Lili Zwingli and Willem Van Peeters
When: Sunday November 7th, about 1 o'clock
Where: t3h c0mput3r st0r3
What: Wilm needs a bit of help picking out a computer, and a little red-head bird told him that Lili was the one to go to.
Finally a day where Lili could do what she wished. It was Sunday and she had just been through one of the hardest weeks of her life. Today was different however. She felt...okay. Even after her unexpected meeting with Romano yesterday she was feeling surprisingly well. She started off the day having breakfast with her boss...after sleeping in his room, now that wasn't awkward at all. But it had become a routine in the past week ever since her brother left, and Gilbert had given up his room for Lili as he stayed on the couch. After helping out with whatever she could at the house, Lili made her way out the door, towards the computer shop, to meet with Wilm.
Erin had mentioned Wilm in passing a few weeks ago while talking. The red-head girl seemed quite fond of him. It was really quite sweet. So when Wilm had e-mailed Lili, she was glad to help a..friend of a friend? Sure Lili guessed that they were something more, but had heard no news.
Lili opened up the door to the familiar store just a bit before the clock hit one. One thing that Erin had told Lili about Wilm, was that he was tall. Rather, she kept referring to him as her "tall person". So there was at least that to look for. A tall man with blonde hair if she could remember correctly. Upon realizing that no one matching that description was in the store quite yet, she began looking around trying to find any reasonably priced laptops with a web camera.