I know you, I walked with you

Nov 07, 2010 13:32

Who: Valdi, Raivis, Loto, Toris, Zhi (OPEN to all Deadbros)
What: Deadbro party Something so simple as picking up a parcel turns into complete chaos
Where: Charleston Lobby
When: Sunday 7th November
Rating: M for Moe. Lots of it.

It had been two days since Valdi got the call from Charleston reception, informing him of a airmail package delivery from Iceland.
He knew instantly that it was specifically from his father, because while it wasn't intentionally selective, it had been addressed to him alone.

Friday and Saturday had busy that it wasn't until Sunday that he remembered the package was there at all, a sudden recollection that had the boy hurrying down the stairs and into the Charleston lobby. (Puffin was with him but he'd paid little mind to that, the bird's presence had become rather commonplace around the apartment complex).
Ignoring sidelong glances from others around him -he was quite used to it by now- Valdi shuffled over to Reception and scanned the counter for any signs of life.

Be back in 20 minutes.

Really. Wasn't this  an upperclass complex? 20 minutes was....since when?
Sighing he slipped his phone out of his pocket, checking the time and then, by habit, his email. Head down as the page continued to load, Valdi slowly made his way across the lobby to the sofas.
He might as well wait.

status: incomplete, iceland, antarctica, please don't kill me, hong kong, latvia, surprise moe attack!, history won't repeat this shit, lithuania, awkward turtle time

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