Dreams: On Rude Awakenings

Oct 26, 2010 01:16

Who: Thera and Atthis (ftw)
When: October 26th, appx 1AM
Where: Atthis's Apartment at Lakeside
What: Thera returns from her NY get-away to find Atthis in process of finding her status quo. Chaos ensues. In bed.
Rating: Rated "S" for "sexytimes." Fuzzy on the details atm, we'll return to the rating as we write.

Atthis had grown accustomed to many things over the past few months. The daily vacuuming routine to combat the multi-colored fur that coated her home. The return of her house plants to the proper spaces of the apartment. Her own clothing. Her own bed.

Since Thera had silently disappeared weeks ago, it was the return to her own bed that Atthis enjoyed most. Admittedly, the home did seem more quiet, despite the occasional meows of cats as they waited to be fed. Thank gods Thera had hired a cat-sitter to come by the apartment twice a day to clean the litter boxes and feed the elegant monsters. Atthis wasn't sure if the hired help in keeping the apartment clean was a final spit to the face or a saving grace. She'd decided long ago not to look the gift horse in the mouth.

She turned over under her warm sheets. Several of the more mild-mannered cats adjusted themselves accordingly to the contours of Atthis's body. One purred. Without opening her eyes, she knew it was late at night. What, precisely, had gently lifted her from her dreams was a mystery, but if she laid here quietly and allowed her body to relax, she would soon be off to Nod again. It was only a matter of time.

Everything was only a matter of time.

Abstract shapes morphed into spaces that seemed familiar to her mind's eye. She was on a boat, no, a float, no, rocking in the arms of the sea's embrace. The water was warm, and though she had no assistance with staying afloat, she felt there was no need for it. Here, she was safe.

Another wave, this one a little larger, shifted her body, tilted her in one direction, and eyes blinked open to the night. How much time had passed in that dream was questionable. What had woken her was even more so. Atthis shifted for comfort again. Cats pressed at her back. Two, soft, familiar.

No. Not cats. Breasts.

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