Herakles had woken up in a cold sweat and with the sense that something was missing. He didn’t know what it was or exactly what his dream meant but one thing was clear and that was that he needed company. There was no way in Hades that he could remain in his empty house alone. Herakles did enjoy the quiet to think to himself but right now it just didn’t seem appropriate.
Of course, lucky for him, Gupta and his mother had moved into town recently giving him a sanction away from home. They had always been there for him when he needed them most and it showed even today, all alone and helpless. He was still the momma’s boy from sixteen years ago. And so, that’s how he found himself in front of Tailles D'or Condos standing near the buzzers unsure of what to do.
Gupta had forgotten to tell him what apartment number they had moved into and the listing at the door hadn’t been changed in who knows how long. Deciding that he didn’t want to go back home just yet he sat himself down on the stair leading towards the buzzers. He could wait, he wasn’t in any rush.