It's all Greek(ish) to me!

Sep 06, 2010 22:21

Who: Alfred and Emi
When:  September 7th
Where: LU's library
What: Alfred is good at many things. One thing he is not good at is Spanish and his angry tutor is more than pleased to remind him of this fact.

at least Alfred has the 'no hablo' down pat )

no shit sherlock, tutoring with angry mexicans, fuck my life, i don't get paid enough for this shit, i'm too old for this shit, damn kids, i will break your spirit!, south mexico, status: complete, bonding tiemz, please don't kill me, oh snap!, unacceptable! all of this!, it's hero time!, this never happened, stay in school kids, america

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salylimon September 7 2010, 05:48:42 UTC
Emi was going to kill Alfred.

She had work at four that very same day and these tutoring sessions, especially the first tutoring session, were not supposed to last longer than one hour. Granted, she was fine with staying a few minutes longer or even scheduling an extra session later on in the week if the student needed it. However, again, the university wasn't more than a week in so the workload for Spanish I shouldn't have been all that heavy - even for a non-native Speaker such as the blond idiota in font of her.

"Alfred," Emi started slowly, rubbing her temples. "Compared to Spanish, English makes less sense if you really bothered to study it," she finished dryly as she pushed a blank sheet of paper towards him.

"And, really, from what I was told, your class should really only be focusing on the alphabet and simple, elementary level vocabulary." Seriously, how hard was it to understand that gato meant cat and that amarillo meant yellow? "You really won't get too deep into grammar until Spanish II, so I really don't know why ( ... )


waitforsuperman September 9 2010, 07:22:00 UTC
Picking up the pen and letting out a long sigh starting to dutifully scribble out the letters, saying them quietly as he went, feeling like a child. He got most of them, the Ñ giving him a little trouble and he accidentally added a ü but besides that he managed to achieve most of them.

That was mostly because Emi had spent the first hour of their lesson making him repeat them a thousand times over. Now there just the dull rhythm in his head. He shoved the paper back at her. "Theeeeeeeeeeeeere," he groaned, flailing on the table, looking like a noodle, "Doneee."

His blue eyes peeked up from his arms. "So?"


salylimon September 9 2010, 21:22:03 UTC
Scanning the paper, Emi crossed off the 'ü' with a raised eyebrow before nodding towards the blond. "You got it," she muttered before she propped her chin on top of her palm. Eying the blond, and wondering if whether or not it was a good idea to even attempt what she was considering, Emi sighed.

"Right, so, quick practice with greeting someone formally and introducing yourself in Spanish and then we're done for the day."

Pausing, Emi straightened slightly as she offered Alfred a small (and hopefully not strained) smile. "Hola, me llamo Emiliana Guadalupe de León. ¿Cómo se llama usted?"

(OOC: ffff- here's some help if you need it, bb~)


waitforsuperman September 11 2010, 19:28:06 UTC
Alfred hated oral because when he spoke Spanish... it sounded like it was German or something. He just couldn't get that accent down but if it meant getting out of here, he would talk all the Spanerman Emi wanted.

His mind took a moment to dissect what she has sad before he opened his mouth, frowning, the expression a little dopey. "M-Me llamo Alfred," he said, face scrunching a little as he tried to remember, "Mucho gusto en conocer-...le?"


salylimon September 12 2010, 01:14:47 UTC
"Conocerla," Emi corrected with a sigh. "Mucho gusto en conocerla when you're speaking to a woman. However, if you're speaking to a man, what you said would have been the correct thing to say. So, close enough," she muttered.

Taking a quick glance towards the wall clock behind Alfred's head, Emi fought back a scowl before she focused her attention on the blond once more. "We can pick this up again next week unless..." She paused, not wanting to go on. "Unless you have any other questions?"


waitforsuperman September 12 2010, 10:54:37 UTC
Alfred was already on his feet, all his books and things away in the backpack currently being slung over his shoulder. "no, no it's fine." he said quickly, incredibly glad that he wasn't having an alphabet being shoved down his throat, mind rolling with the letter, stopping on the I.

I. I-van. Ivan.

"Emi," he said suddenly, blinking at her, "Jared- you... When you, y'know... Does Loto every get angry? O-Or Luci if you're at your place?"


salylimon September 12 2010, 16:35:06 UTC
Midway to sliding her notebook into her bag, Emi paused, looking up at the blond with a quizzical look on her face.

"How do you know Loto-?" Her brow furrowed slightly. "No, I don't think I've ever seen him angry. Or Luci, really. They're both usually sweet to me." However, at the mention of Jared's name, she paused once more before asking, "And what about Jared?"


waitforsuperman September 14 2010, 19:04:25 UTC
"Well you don't really seem like the quiet type," Alfred said, shifting from foot-to-foot, still appearing quite casual despite the subject he was about to breech the with girl that could potentially end his manhood with a single machete swipe.

He shrugged. "I dragged him into the apartment to watch the X-Files once."


Short post from phone oh yeeeeah. Also, oblivious Emi is oblivious. vnv salylimon September 14 2010, 19:27:12 UTC
Brow still furrowed in confusion, Emi stared blankly at the blond, briefly wondering what the hell he was on before responding. "Huh, Loto never mentioned anything. Granted, he's probably had other things on his mind lately..." She slid her notebook into her bag before crossing her arms over her chest. "Not the quiet type...? What the hell are you talking about, Alfred?"


lol Alfred will just have to be a bigger Captain Obvious waitforsuperman September 15 2010, 04:29:36 UTC
"You know... sex." Alfred said rather plainly, not really considering who he was talking to. He was just curious how, well, blind-people sex worked. Honestly.

"Jared and you are together and I was just thinking that Loto must not sleep or something because you'd be a loud lover so he must have sex-muffs or something to block our the noise OR he's just naive enough to think that all the groans and moans are the house shifting or something."


FFFFF- OH GOD ALFRED WHY. salylimon September 15 2010, 06:19:21 UTC
Oh, tha-





Face flushing a dark red and eyes widening, Emi could only stare, stunned and embarrassed, at the tall blond in front of her. Did he just-? About that-? With Jared-? REALLY?

The overall shock, it seemed, had rendered the poor woman speechless as she struggled to find the right words to answer (or, rather, not answer) Alfred's question. There was always the option of causing a scene inside the library, but that probably wouldn't end well. At all. At least they were currently in a secluded area of an almost empty third floor.

Cheeks still stained pink, Emi tightened the grip on her bag. "I...Alfred, what?" She finally hissed, flinching slightly at how embarrassingly squeaky her voice came out. "We...I...Loto wasn't there when we...did you just call me a screamer?" Emi asked bluntly, voice dropping to an annoyed whisper even though there was no one around.


"I didn't call you a screamer," Alfred said, holding up a single, knowing, wiggling finger, "I asked if you were a screamer. There's a difference!" There totally was. He continued to grin at her, finger still waggling in that annoying fashion as he watched her face. Pink cheeks.

Still leaving the question 'Can blind people even have sex?' out of his mind for now, he pressed on. "I dunno, Loto just seemed... Like the kinda guy to not listen and I dunno, I was watching the X-Files with him and it got me thinking with all the UST between Mulder and Scully and I figured that Scully wouldn't be much of a yeller since she's not scared of, like, anything because she's goddamn Scully."

A deep breath. "ANYWAY, then I was trying to figure you out because I mean, Jared's an old friend and he seemed like the kinda bad boy that all the girls go for but is really awkward in bed, does his hair get in the way? never mind, so anyway I was like 'oh Emi is a totally strong female type' but at the same time I can see you kinda getting wobbly-kneed over ( ... )


YOU WILL FIND OUT NOOOOOOTHING. v////////v salylimon September 17 2010, 23:21:42 UTC
Emi wasn't sure just how horribly she was blushing at the moment.

But, judging from the burning heat she felt on her face, it was probably, probably, pretty bad.

Listening to Alfred ramble on, Emi briefly contemplated the consequences of punching one of her "students" in the stomach. Or, say, kicking said student in the crotch. Whichever reflex occurred first, really. She could always claim sexual harassment. Because, technically, asking about her love life and making her feel uncomfortable was sexual harassment, no? Right.

However, at the inquiry over whether Jared was good in bed or not, Emi made a stifled noise of embarrassment as she finally lashed out.

Fist colliding into the blond's stomach, Emi scowled even as that flustered look in her face had yet to leave. "W-What the fuck, Alfred!" She gestured wildly to the now injured blond. "You think that's "gross"? Are you even listening to yourself right now?!" She paused, face flushing further as she shot the blond a dirty look. "I'm not a "sucker for bad boys" and Jared is ( ... )


I WILL FIND OUT /EVERYTHING/... riding too hard pfft waitforsuperman September 19 2010, 18:01:31 UTC
"Nghhh..." Alfred had taken a punch or two in his life but this one was filled with a woman's scorn and some kind of righteous fury behind it which actually made it kinda hurt. He held his stomach, groaning a little actually taking a step back. Bitch was wearing rings and bangles too! That gave her punch even more... punch.

He rubbed his abs, feeling them flexing painfully under his hands. How the hell did she not break her fist or something!? "E-Emi shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" he was quick to make placating gestures with his hands, glad she was hushing. "Okayokayokayokay, he's great in bed, I believe you! Though I'm sure he peters out near the end being old and everything but seriously! You must like badboys, that's just... you! And if not what else can I classifying Jared as? You fall for half-blind disabled people? That doesn't sound very nice."


NO YOU WON'T. AND FFFFF- OH GOD. salylimon September 20 2010, 18:21:11 UTC
Still scowling as Alfred carried on, albeit with a strained voice this time, Emi had to fight back the urge to both smack the blond over the head and kick him between the legs. Instead, she opted to just shove the American away from her as she took a step back, creating more distance between them. Jesus Christ, why couldn't he shut the fuck up and stop asking her such embarrassing questions?!

"For the love of GOD, Alfred. He's thirty and I'm almost twenty-two, so he's not fucking old. And I don't like bad boys, damn it. Jesus Christ, I know the last guy I was with was a fucking douche but the guy I dated before that was..." She paused, not wanting to fall back into memories she more than wanted to forget. Shaking her head, she frowned, one hand on her hip as she glared up at the annoying blond. "I don't have a type. I just know that I can't be with obnoxious, loud-mouthed idiots. And not very nice? You're the one that just labeled Jared that."



I CAN'T BELIEVE I GET TO USE THIS ICON waitforsuperman September 21 2010, 09:28:49 UTC

Thirty minus twenty-two. Alfred stared as his brain ran through calculations, piecing things together. He had been ten when Jared was twenty... Emi was two years older than him. That made her twelve. Which meant when she was 18 and just in Jared's class... Jared was 26.

"Emi." Alfred's voice was suddenly serious as he took her shoulders, staring her straight in the eye. "Did Jared badtouch you?"


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