Old Heart Aches, Old Heart Breaks

Aug 03, 2010 12:19

WHO: The Irish Twins
WHEN: Wednesday August 3rd, afternoon
WHERE: Conner’s flat
WHAT: A bad part of the past is dug up, one sibling rages, the other retaliates and old wounds are reopened.
RATING: S for swearing and SF for sibling fight

Erin had said she’d be by this afternoon, which to Conner meant around 3 or maybe even 4. Sure he’d have enough time he woke up late, had some sort of brunch consisting of leftovers, because he couldn’t be assed to cook anything, and then started cleaning. Anything of Peter’s put in his drawers which were up to two by now, with several things of Conner’s needing to be placed elsewhere. The garbage carefully dropped down the side of the fire escape and into the dumpster, and the rest of the apartment tidied up and vacuumed.

One o’clock rolled around and he sat down to stare at that album for close to ten minutes before getting the courage to leaf through it. Fingers shakily traced his grinning face in the earlier ones, the whole eyes and everything he used to be, before moving over to the pale boy next to him in some of the shots, even Erin at times sharing the screen.

A look at the clock said it was getting closer to two. With a heavy sigh the album was slipped under the covers of his made bed. He would have time to look through it a bit more after he took a shower then hide it away before Erin came over.

kirkland family reunion, is this real life?, fuck my life, creepers gonna creep, i hate you all, i'm too sexy for my shirt, republic of ireland, first times are always good times, it's a "surprise", and how does that make you feel?, status: complete, this is an intervention, ...what are you doing in my house!?, it's not what you think, please don't kill me, oh snap!, what are you doing here?, i must be emo, history won't repeat this shit, northern ireland, awkward family moment, there's this thing called murphy's law, caught in a bad bromance, alas poor childe i knew him well...

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