Who: Jo, Sadiq, and a cameo appearance from Kiku
When: July 8th, mid morning
Where: Some clothes shop
What: Sadiq's wardrobe is in need of an update. From Jo. Or so she thinks anyways.
'>Sighing, Sadiq replaced the jeans he had been looking at back on the shelf. He didn't know any of these "hip" brands, or even the sizes he was suppose to be wearing. The jeans didn't even suit his taste - he'd never really been that fond of denim, and he liked looser fitting clothes anyways. Giving up on anything in the pants department, he drifted over to the shirts instead.
He came across an assorted collection first, a colorful mix of greens, reds, blues, and....pink? Sadiq liked color, but he wasn't about to wear that. Avoiding it, he flipped through the other shirts, taking a few of the plain ones that looked like they might fit, intent on trying them on later. Satisfied with his choices, Sadiq flitted over to another set of shelves with shirts neatly folded upon them. He passed them the moment he saw that all had some weird sort of design on them, shuddering at the frabric skull grinned at him as he walked by.
Turning away from the underclothes section, Sadiq found himself surrounded by pants once more. Dang. Sighing, he started towards the dressing rooms when he spotted her.
She was tall (at least, with her heels she was), darker colored, and had an afro! An actual afro! He couldn't help but watch her as she came closer and then turned into the womens section, passing the more drab colors and going for ones that stood out. Wow.
How can she wear such things and be so confident? Sadiq wondered as he watched the woman walk confidently through the aisles in the womens department. He couldn't help but admire her, just a tiny bit, that she would go out in such things. At the same time, however, it made him feel even less confident about his appearance. Tearing his eyes away so it didn't seem like he was stalking her with them or anything. Self-conciousness making it feel like every eye was on him, criticizing him, Sadiq started to shuffle his way over to the mens dressing room.