Who: Toris, Remy, Kim ( Mei, you can jump in at any time 8Db)
Where: Liberty Memorial hospital
When: Tuesday afternoon during visiting hours, May 25th.
What: Kim got roughed up by a gang of street punks. Visits are a go~
This bed was way better than the pavement. Kim decided it was now her new favorite bed in the entire world, except her own. Big, white and with a fluffy pillow, and a big, warm cover and soft, clean sheets. It was so comfortable, she could probably stay here forever if she had the possibility to do so.
After she'd been brought in, she had passed out and been out of it for several hours, before waking up in this glorious bed of clouds. Maybe she could bring it home?
Not likely.... The doctor had asked what had happened, and she'd told them about heading home after her final, and meeting a bunch of guys her age. They didn't look too friendly, and after accidentally bumping into one of them, she'd gotten a beating, gotten her wallet emptied of cash and left in a bloody pool. It was amazing she even managed to call an ambulance by herself.
At least she was conscious now, and nothing was broken, just some cuts and bruises and a concussion. According to the doctor, she'd be fine with a couple of days rest here. That was good, she thought. The throbbing in her leg was more cause of a deep cut from a knife, luckily not cause it had snapped in two. Several stitches and a bandage and it would heal by itself.
Right now she was just relaxing, and looking at the few clouds moving like snails across the sky.