Mar 08, 2021 20:13
At the moment I have two male partners. For reasons I can't get into here, my primary male partner can't go to the home of my other partner.
So things were really compartmentalized for me for a long time.
Recently, I've managed to coax my other partner over to visit at my house instead. As a result, we get to hang out together from time to time.
I love it.
Then I managed a bit of mischief; my boyfriend likes fantasy card games. (You know the ones.) I'm a gamer myself but I sidestepped the whole card game madness years and years ago. (Another partner, another time.) I made a VOW.
However, my primary partner used to play years ago. I told my boyfriend this.
He bought him a new deck and some boosters. They got together to play cards.
I'm. So. Happy.
I still have no desire to play, myself. However, I've been supporting my MP's new card obsession with glee. Yes, my darling. Go ahead and buy that booster pack. Oh, look; I found a blind box of a couple hundred cards online for cheap! Let me organize a play date for you two...
Here's the thing: they know each other. They like each other. But being buddies? For some reason they weren't going there. Now, they are. And it's just a delight to be in the room with the two of them talking and laughing, or playing the game and being really into it.
We also play games all together which has been awesome, too.
God bless the card game.
They don't just talk about cards, either. They're talking about all the things and they have ridiculous amounts of things in common. And since we're in the same social bubble they can get their social interactions together and not make the circle any wider.
I really wish I'd lured him in with the card game last year during the height of quarantine. Damn it. So much wasted time...
(Also, as a different side effect, I tend to be better about managing the household chores when I know someone is coming over. And for some reason "coming over" doesn't seem to include "To spend the afternoon in my bedroom", but does include "Needing the dining room table cleared for games."