(no subject)

Dec 01, 2003 16:57

[ Current Clothes ] Old school Pride shirt (like 5 years old) Blue Jeans
[ Current Mood ] In pain...Ow... is that a mood? Okay.. I choose.. Ow.
[ Current Music ] This Magic Moment[ Current Taste ] pecans
[ Current Make-up ] Uh.. I did my hair.. Does that count?
[ Current Hair ] Mine.. But I'd like yours[ Current Annoyance ] >.<
[ Current Smell ] Apples
[ Current Desktop Picture ] Elijah Wood with Snow Flakes.. Its perty
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] Cleaning My Bedroom
[ Current Book ] Ohh.. I'm reading a bunch.. *goes to get all the authors names* Cutting: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Mutalation~ByLSteven Levenkron, Angel-head~ By: Greg Bottoms (ha ha..thats his real name), Harry Potter PoA (5th time), and.. Idiots guide to Learning Latin
[ Current Color Of Nails ] Clear, no paint
[ Current Refreshment ]APple Juice
[ Current Worry ] Scars
[ Current Boyfriend] Boyfriend...hmm.. well.
[ Current Thought ] OW
[ Food ] Graham Crackers
[ alcoholic drink:] Strawbery Daquri
[ non alcohol:] Hot Cocoa
[ Color ] I have to say Red due to the Sex quiz I took earlier on this week.. However, I really prefur yellow. But.. For James's sake I LOVE RED!!
[ Album ] Ten Things I hate About You soundtrack
[ Shoes ] Uh..The comfey kind.. Like... Like. SLIPPERS!! I'd wear them all day if I didn't live in a state where it rains 9 months out of the year.
[ Candy ] Butterfingers
[ Animal ] Dolphin
[ Vegetable ] Corn
[ Fruit ] Cantelope
[ Cats or dogs ] Dogs
[ Coke or Pepsi ]Root Beer
[ Order or chaos ] I LIKE BoTH!
[ Leather or pvc ] um.. Cotton
[ Sex or foreplay ] Foreplay
[ Shoes or Boots ] Shoes
[ Candles or incense ] candles
[ Large groups or 1 on 1 ] one on one

[ Understanding ] yup
[ Open-minded ] yup
[ Arrogant ] pompus??
[ Insecure ] indefinately
[ Pierced ] 6. all in my ears
[ Tattooed ] Soon.. Cor and I'll go get one together.
[ Interesting ] Ha
[ Random ] yup
[ Hungry ] nope
[ Friendly ] no
[ Smart ] no
[ Moody ] yeah
[ Childish ]very
[ Independent ] yes
[ Hard working ] always.. does life get easy?
[ Organized ] semi-organized
[ Healthy ]No
[ Emotionally Stable ] no
[ Shy ] no
[ Difficult ]yep
[ Attractive ] No
[ Bored Easily ] Bored...am I bored? Yes.. Bored easily
[ Messy ] sometimes
[ Thirsty ] No
[ Responsible] no]
[ Obsessed ] Obsessive compulsive. I count every step I take, How many stairs there are in every stair well, how many steps to the door, to the bathroom, to the everything. Really. Something not many people know about me. Yes.. I do. If you're wondering howmany stepps are from here to there I cant tell you. I usually forget between locations. But i do count Like Coren's house has 4 stairs on the front porch.. Mine has three a half of a step.. My friend sauls former dorm rule had different amounts for each floor. There were 15, then 17 depending on the floor. Yes.. obsessive.
[ Angry ] not currently
[ Sad ] very
[ Happy ] no
[ Hyper ] energy?? eeh..
[ Paranoid ] sometimes
[ Religious ] Yes
[ Spiritual ] yea
[ Trusting ] Yes
[ Talkative ] um... ha ha.. yes
[ Legal ] Legal in every country but America.. Can't drink legally yet.
[ Original ] Yeeepp
[ Different ] very
[ Unique ] Me?? Not unique.. just different
[ Ignored ] all the time
[ Reliable ] yup
[ Content ] absolutely not
[ Optimistic ] right now? No
[ Deep thinker ] yup
[ Self-disciplined ] yes..and no
[ Good w/ money ] I don't spend money very much. But i still never have it.
[ Good w/ children ] Sure..
[ Sleepy ] no
[ sXe ] no
[ Horny ] yes
[ 3 things you take to a desert island ]Ali, Cor, and an never ending supply of BonBons
[ How many times a week do you shower ] Sometimes twice a day
[ Did you grow up in the city or the country ] BO FUNK NO WHERE!! Yeah..
[ Did you're Mom dress you funny as a child] I dressed myself funny
[ Do you have braces or glasses ] no braces... but glasses
[ When did you lose your virginity ] when i was 17
[ Any random thoughts ] ASPRIN
|| piercings haha.. redundant much?
|| tattoos = no.
|| height = 5'6"
|| shoe size = 8 1/2
|| hair color = Red, kindof dirty blond naturally with red highlights. I think it must be the irish in me.. hmm.. go figure..
|| length = short short

|| pretty = this is getting soo old
|| funny = not much funnier than a slug
|| hot = every time the temperature raises
|| friendly = occasionally
|| amusing = sometimes
|| ugly = most the time
|| lovable = lol no
|| pessimistic = most the time lately
|| optimistic = seldom
|| caring = yes
|| sweet = no
|| dorky = yes
|| Spell your first name back wards = YESDNYL or.. by the name others call me.. EILRA ARLIE... anyway.. yeah.
|| The story behind your user name = My grandma 's name is Elizabeth Lynn.. My mom named me Lyn-dsey my sisters name is.. can you guess?? Elizabeth.
|| Are you straight? = No
|| Where do you live? = Washington
|| 4 words that sum you up = Sitting alone in chair

|| Wallet = leather and brown with hippy pattern or something
|| Hairbrush = pink
|| Toothbrush = Clear and Purple
|| Jewelery worn daily = A pair of earings I never take out, my grandpa gave them to my grandma before he died. He willed them to me. They won't be leaving my ears. Ever.. Which is why I've peirced them a few extra times to keep from having to take them out.
|| Pillow cover = Pink.. plain.. the other one (which my sister stole) is blue and yellow daisys (my favorite flower) with cool butterflys and schtuff on it.
|| Blanket = I think my family thinks I like Pink.. haha.. Its a Pink comforter with daisys and schtuff on it.
|| Coffee cup = I have one with a handle that looks like a heart, it says Amore on it. I love it berrry much.
|| Favorite top = Anything that covers my arms.
|| CD in stereo right now = Evanescence.. (sp?)

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) -
|| You doing after this = make food
|| Talking to = Ali
|| Eating =I ate a PB&J sandwitch today.. thats about it sofar.
|| Fetishes = Anythign yellow, earings, and Harry Potter... I'd love Harry Potter Undies If I could find them. :-D
|| If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? = Um.. I won't answer it. I'm not likely to hurt anyone but myself.
|| Is next to you =Clutter.. I'm procrastonating cleaning the room
|| Something you're looking forward to in this up coming month = Um... Having a clean room.
|| Something that you are deathly afraid of = Being alone.
|| Do you like candles = yes
|| Do you like hot wax = yes
|| Do you like the taste of blood = no
|| Do you believe in love = yes
|| Do you believe in soul mates = yes
|| Do you believe in love at first sight =yes
|| Do you believe in forgiveness = always
|| Do you believe in God = Definately
|| What do you want done with your body when you die = I want to be donated for scientific research.
|| Who is your worst enemy? = Myself
|| If you could have any animal for a pet =A monkey
|| What is the latest you've ever stayed up = 3 days in a row, no sleep, durring leadership camp for ROTC we had to pull all nighters. I was sick couldn't sleep so I took all the Firewatches. It was nice because I got to watch all of the girls be woken up when the Drill SGT's came in screaming. :-D Maniacal i know, but it was fun to watch. Since I was doing my job and they were sleeping. :-D
|| Ever been to Belgium? = In my dreams
|| Can you eat with chopsticks = Yes. Getting quite good too.
|| What's your favorite coin? = "Oh say can you see.." See ... if you don't specify I think the obvious opposite of what it could mean. "To Coin a Phrase..." Thats why I stole Francis Scott Key's first lines of the National Anthem
|| What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to? = Peoria, Anchorage, San Fransisco, Raleigh, and thats five
|| Whats something that you wish people would understand? = ...*cries*
|| What's something you wish you could understand better? = Why I do the things I do.
|| Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time? = The real me.
|| Something you want to make happen for tomorrow? Something good.. *insert here*
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