Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2008 17:44

I've finally had some time to breathe! I skipped uni today - not because I'm a rebel, but because I finished all my work early Mwaha. I finished a simple garment and congratulated myself by drinking way too much last night at the Pre-Halloween Party. Oodles of fun. I was a french mime, but didn't make my face all white. I thought the contrast would be a little too much and a pain to get off if and when I was drunk. The black triangles under my eyes lasted a while anyways.

--Monty, Alex and Agnes wisked me away right after I finished that last sentence! Haha, I'm always doing something.

I just came back from an Indian restaurant. The food wasn't thaaaaat great, but at least I'm full and happy and 14 pounds poorer. Eh. And I'm now back at my flat with my generic cup of earl grey tea, cursing at the fact that Tereza has my watercolors locked in her room while she's in London. *sigh* Uncool. I"m also alone because everyone's lucky and can go to this massive Halloween Party at Crilly's house. =(

Oh oh, I bet none of you really know who anyone is...

Monty  - Duh. <3
Alex - Monty's German best friend!
Agnes- Alex's best friend!
Crilly - Sophie's boyfriend
Sophie - One of Monty's housemates (along with Ellie and James!)
Tereza - My flatmate, but I think I mentioned that before...

There will be more intros in later posts, but I'll do em as I mention new people =D  Anyhoo, A whole bunch of people went to that party and I'm just bored. I can't be bothered to do work, but I simply must. I couldn't go to the party because I have work at Starbucks at 7:30am :( Sadness. What an insane hour!

Oh oh oh! The best thing about working at Starbucks is the fact that I get unlimited free drinks on the job and 50% off of food! Whee! How awesome, right? I'm gonna gain back all the weight that I've lost since I've been here just by guzzling craploads of Caramel Macchiatos and Frappacinos...It's all good though. I have no excuse when I say I'm tired because I have all that access to caffiene.

Let's see...I really really REALLY should post more frequently....I've basically neglected my laptop since I've been here, really. I hardly go on because my schedule for uni was like this for the past 3 weeks:

Monday -  8:40am - 5:00pm
Tuesday- 8:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday - 8:40am - 6:00pm
Thursday - 1:15pm - 3:30pm
Friday - 9:00am - 5:30pm

Yeah. Classes techincally don't start until 10:00am, but I have to get there early to get work done. It's a jam packed day really, unless I get out early =D. Oh and It's all one class! Just general fashion design. Cool, huh? I'm not really sick of it yet, but I do wish I had a day off like my other flatmates...It's a wonder how I even get to see Monty!

I need to get around to sending people things in the mail. I need addresses, guys! Everything that I used to have got wiped clean when my computer crashed -_-;

They're already decorating for Christmas here. It's cute ^-^ England's just so different that America! ...for one thing, it's FREEZING. It's 39 degress outside right now. Can you believe it? It was snowing in some parts of the UK the other day. Snow! In flipping OCTOBER?! The ozone layer is really fucked up these days. :( I'm expecting a white Christmas this year though. I can't wait for Christmas ^__^ I have no money, but I'm really excited for it!

Speaking of money, since I've started working at Starbucks, I've technically not been on the payroll thing because I wasn't fully registered in you know...Basically I've been doing volunteer work XP My manager said I need a National Insurance Number as well...Until I get one of those, I can't be registered and I can't be paid. ...Gah. It's all confusing.

DHL also wants my money because of the massive package my mother sent me. They want about 92 pounds offa me just for VAT and shizzle. How shit is that? I'm definitely going to fight them about that. Bleh.

Other than those things, I'm still having the time of my life. Not all of it is brilliant though...Like my kitchen is always a mess. ALWAYS. The guys I live with are absolutely foul :( I just keep all my stuff clean and try not to keep anything out in the sink. Everyone feels obliged to take my nice clean stuff, use em and then leave em to dry with whatever shit is on it -_- GROSS! I left a nasty note in my cupboard for them not to use my shit. It's prolly not gonna work, but it's worth a try, right?

I kinda want a kip..I'm knackered. Dunno why though...Oh it's prolly the food...Eh. Some Halloween v_v;;; I hope everyone's well! Still missing you!
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