Sun, 19:13: RT @ galvezmiro: If a disabled BW speaks boldly & truthfully about blackness/disability/gender intersecting she should anticipate occupying …
Sun, 19:13: RT @ RebeccaCokley: @ galvezmiro there are many convos on this within the BD community here in DC. How can the broader disability community s…
Sun, 19:13: RT @ galvezmiro: @ RebeccaCokley Try to understand that our experiences are similar but not identical to those disabled ppl that were never l…
Sun, 19:43: RT @ mburnhope: Also, come on, my ability to get into a kayak won't mean I can "think beyond" anything. When I go home I'll still have Spina…
Sun, 19:48: RT @ mdawriter: I often talk #onhere about cultural competence and why Ts who purport to "love kids" owe it to "kids" to get themselves righ…
Sun, 19:50: I like football. I am aware that watching the NFL is unethical. I have no solution.
Sun, 19:58: I care a LOT about representation, as I think how we speak/think/perceive shapes actions. But perception is not the same as breaking bodies.
Mon, 00:03: There is a serious lack of scholarly literature on the cosmology of the Thundercats universe. #ScholarSunday
Mon, 00:08: @ PressedOrgandy Hmm. That's too bad. I'll try to do better with the blog I'm writing now.
Mon, 00:09: @ PressedOrgandy I had hoped that "sci-fi novel based around complexities of reasonable accommodations for disability." would do it
Mon, 00:12: Seriously. Thundara destroyed by "mutants." Thundercats last Thundarans alive. Mumm-ra the emobidment of evil. This is #deep. #ThundercatsHO
Mon, 11:30: RT @ qui_oui: just reminds me of Ng being surprised that any university would want to use MOOCs for motives other than what he imagine…