Sat, 13:19: U of Maryland: " “a zero-tolerance approach to incivility."
Sat, 13:24: "The subjectivity and selectivity of what is enforced, and against who, is unavoidable under civility and respectful workplace policies."
Sat, 13:33: RT @ jacremes: Men, too, can't afford to talk about abortion in the abstract, as if it's something only other people do or need.
Sat, 17:37: Detective Sam Spade is really interested in late medieval fealty practices of the Knights of Malta. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly
Sat, 18:13: RT @ tanehisicoates: History will break your world, shatter it really. And then leave you to pick up the pieces. That's all this is, really.
Sat, 19:37: White Amherst student has three hit and runs, kicks a cop in the head. No taser. No bullets.
Sat, 19:40: I am, of course, glad that said white elite student wasn't needlessly harmed by the cops as she was justly taken into custody.