
Oct 24, 2008 23:37

If I were to discribe my family in any way it would be color.

My mother is red,  of the blazing flame kind warm and comforting on one hand but on the other burning and distructive. Chaotic as she is beautiful and wilfull don't get too close or you'l get hurt. It's nothing presonal, it is just the nature of the beast. Safty and warmth sometimes to the point of burning.

My father is green, like the forests of the Congo. Wild, harsh, unforgiving and a haven for few, the heat would be bareable if it was not so damp. Causing it to lay on you like a sodden woolen blanket, and you never know what is hidden there, with cruel intentions or not. Everything you need and nothing that you want, no love, no grace but all the meterial needs you could dream of.

My sister, blue the off sea blue- turbulant, unpredictable- beautiful distructive and dangerous yet everyone loves her. No atter how violent or malicious she gets She is beatiful insane, cruel and yet no one can do with out her--we all need water to survive. Chaios, and beauty, intoxicaingly so and always drawing people towards her, pulling them in.
I in contrast to my family, I, well I am grey. Just plane grey like the drizzeling half assed rain on a cloudy day. The ones were you rather stay in bed because just looking outside makes you feel misrable. Wher you can barely look five feet ahead of you because of the mist -the uselss rain because all it does is make things damp and uncomfortable.
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