Nosferatu (1922) with The Invincible Czars

Oct 26, 2016 20:45

I saw this nearly a week ago and I've been meaning to post about it ever since. My apologies to anyone in Champaign or Chicago who might have been prompted to see it if I had posted on time! Their tour has now headed back south toward Texas.

Anyway, the Invincible Czars are on tour with screenings of Nosferatu accompanied by live performances of the score they wrote for it. It is well worth seeing! The music is haunting and effective and breathes new (undead) life into the film. I just saw parts of the movie on TV a few days before seeing the live show, and our cinematic language has changed so much since 1922 that it's hard to really find the horror in Nosferatu when it's shown with its original orchestral score.

To me, the section in the Count's castle has always been the scariest anyway, but with the new score some of those moments are so stark and chilling now, they are absolutely timeless. There are other sections that they couldn't drag into the 21st century *quite* so effectively. The part where Dracula Orlock is tip-toeing through Wisborg with his coffin under his arm still looks silly, no matter how you score it. We all giggled.

It turned out to be great Halloween fun for almost the whole family. We had planned to leave the kids at home, but Chuckles insisted she wanted to see it (and in fact enjoyed it and bought a Nosferatu sticker afterwards). So Kal-El couldn't be left home alone. He played Monster Hunter on his DS the whole time and was thoroughly bored, but you can't win them all I guess.

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