Love it/Hate it

Sep 02, 2016 21:05

Love it: Cawston Press rhubarb soda.

I had this when we were in Cardiff this summer and thought it was one of the most delicious thing I had ever tasted (I am a big, big rhubarb fan). I was resigned to never having it again once my vacation was over, but we came home and there it was in our Kroger!!! It certainly wasn't there before.

Hate it: Sofas where the back cushions are sewn onto the back.

HATE HATE HATE. For one thing, when you have kids and cats climbing all over your furniture, those seams are under a ton of pressure, and then they rip, and they are a bitch to fix. Also, it's much easier to take a satisfying nap on a sofa when you can take the back cushions off to give yourself more room. We are looking at buying a new couch for the new house, and 90% of the models at the local furniture store have the cushions sewn on. Our next best option is to drive an hour (or two) to MIssouri to a bigger furniture store, since I absolutely will not buy a couch without sitting on it first.

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