Dear Yule Writer!

Nov 15, 2010 18:35

Hello, dear Yuletide writer! Please go ahead and write what you love -- I am fannish about fannishness, so if there's a story about these characters that has fired your imagination, then write it! But if you'd like to hear more about the optional details that are OPTIONAL, then I can do that.

1) The Grand Illusion

"Faded aristocracy" is one of my biggest narrative kinks. I would love a story that really digs into de Boeldieu's feelings about the way his role in the world has changed. I do see (and enjoy) slashy subtext in his relationships with both Marechal and von Rauffenstein, but you needn't explore either of those things if that's not your cup of tea.

I don't think I have much to add to this one.... Rosenthal is an interesting character, too, though his relationship with de Boeldieu isn't particularly revelatory; so if you're looking to do more of an ensemble piece, you could definitely include him.

2) Warehouse 13

CLAUDIA IS SO AWESOME. Any story in which she gets to be her grouchy, brilliant, traumatized misfit self would be fine with me! I do sort of ship Claudia/Artie. I have some pretty specific parameters in terms of what I like in a mentor/student relationship, so if you're interested in this option, check out my Dear Yule Writer letter for more details. But seriously, anything that celebrates Claudia will rock my world.

So, as promised, my thoughts on mentor/student pairings. I really, really need to see the older/more powerful person struggle with conflicted feelings about their possible abuse of power. So the older person denies the attraction for ages. But the younger person doesn't really perceive that kind of status difference between them, in part because they're more naive about those kinds of things, but also because the younger person really is someone with some kind of personal power. (Claudia, for example, successfully stalked Artie and infiltrated the Warehouse, let's not forget!) So the younger person interprets the older person's refusal to get involved as a lack of attraction, and feels sad, and then the older person feels terrible about that, and then some crisis finally forces everyone to be honest about their feelings. I am perfectly willing to have all kinds of questionable fanfic tropes serve as the crisis -- this is id stuff for me, not high art.

Anyway, just because I went into all that detail about that doesn't mean you have to write it! I also really like Myka and Helena (please tell me we haven't seen the last of her), so an adventure with the three of them would be another good idea. If I'd been able to request two different stories for one fandom, I would have asked for Helena redemption fic.

3) The City & The City

I love the concept of this city, and I would love a story that really delves into the mindfuck & the heartbreak that are inherent in this concept. I chose Pall as a character because I was very moved by his dilemma -- as a unificationist, he can't risk any of the tiny, everyday breaches that ordinary citizens might be able to get away with. But you don't necessarily have to write about him if you have an idea you like better -- I just included him as an example of the kind of story element that appeals to me.

I have so much love for idealists and activists and other people who've really struggled with the concept of what it means to do good in their time and place. I also happen to love folklore and folk tales, which might be a neat thing to explore in the context of the City.

4) Justice League Unlimited

HAWKGIRL IS SO AWESOME. Any story that has her being her grouchy, kickass misfit self will be great. I do ship her and Green Lantern and would be delighted to have them get back together, but that's totally optional. I would also love some more exploration of the aftermath of the Thanagarian invasion, as another idea. I'm not a hardcore comics fan, so I don't know much about other versions of the character outside of JLU.

Much like with my Warehouse 13 request, another option would be a story in which she and the other female superheroes kick ass together. I personally can't write plot to save my life, but if you have a long, plotty adventure in mind for either this or the Warehouse 13 request, go for it! My love for a fandom and its characters (especially with TV fandoms) does tend to revolve around the relationships, romantic or otherwise, but that's certainly not the only thing I like reading about.

Thank you for writing for me, and I hope you have a wonderful Yuletide!

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