(1) I'm hesitant to get sucked into Doctor Who fandom, but if someone has any good Eleven/River recs, especially for plotty, angsty epics, I would not say no.
(2) Speak to me about Big Bang Theory. The show seems to have a lot of fans in fandom. I watched the first couple episodes and the writing was pretty snappy, but the show seemed to be buying into two stereotypes that really cheese me off: first, that all geeks are male, and second, that all geeks would prefer to date unintellectual hotties rather than fellow geeks. Does the show fix those problems later?
(3) This is not a question, but as long as we're talking TV, I just want to say that Claudia and Artie on Warehouse 13 continue to make me very happy. The rest of the show is entirely disposable, but the scenes with them, alone or together, make it worth watching for me.
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