oh, mainstream media....

Jan 17, 2010 18:44

I don't usually watch CNN, but when there's a major disaster going on, sometimes you want news on demand. That's why 24-hour news channels exist, right? I've tried watching CNN twice since the earthquake hit Haiti, and both times, within the first five minutes of me turning to the channel, they've interviewed white Americans who were in the process of adopting Haitian children about how overjoyed they were that their potential adoptees survived. In one case they even managed a video link-up to the orphanage, so they could interview the (white) orphanage staff, and the potential adopters got to wave at the two confused-looking children (who had met one of the potential adoptive parents on a couple of occasions).

So... are there not hundreds, possibly even thousands, of *actual* Haitians working in the US who left their children behind in Haiti, either with their spouse or with other relatives? And wouldn't it be even *more* heart-warming and life-affirming to interview them about how overjoyed they are that their *actual* *existing* sons and daughters survived, and see them greet their kids?

No?... Really?... Why ever not, CNN?

(Edited to make clear that there's nothing not-real about adoptive parents -- it's that these people are not yet the parents of the children in question, and they may never be.)

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