(no subject)

Jan 16, 2010 15:53

BTW, I am offering fic for any book of your choice over at help_haiti. (I don't think you'll find me in the fic offerings index, since they aren't indexing offers that don't specify fandoms.)

It's funny, I would never offer fic for a TV show or movie that I hadn't seen before -- in fact, I rarely offer fic even for TV shows or movies that I love. There's a complicated alchemy that has to take place: the characters and milieu have to leave the screen and live in my brain until they become fully real, until I can just watch them living out stories with no effort on my part, and then I have to try to translate those into words.

But when I started writing fic for books for Yuletide, I discovered that the process was *worlds* easier. It was like solving equations! Take the words in the book, and extrapolate them to the fic requester's desired story. Get Jo and Laurie together. What happens when Christopher Robin grows up? Tell about Richard and the man with the rose ring. Since the characters and the worlds they live in are already made of words, the new words almost form themselves (relatively speaking) once I have the end in mind. (Interestingly, I found that writing for manga and opera sort of fell in between those two extremes of difficulty.)

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fic writing

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