Yuletide threat level increased to Orange

Dec 04, 2009 20:49

Once again I decided to live on the edge and offer some sources that I had not yet completed. I got matched on one that I was very excited about, and the recipient gave me a great story idea. So I started writing the story right away, concurrent with reviewing the source. I immediately read some summaries of the parts that I wasn't yet familiar with, and my story seemed to fit in just fine, so I wasn't worried at all. I was writing when I felt like writing, and reviewing when I felt like reviewing... and then this morning, I encountered a casual comment from one character to another, a little thing that no one had ever seen fit to mention in a summary, that COMPLETELY JOSSED MY STORY. I don't have to throw out the part that I've already written, thank goodness, but my set-up has now got to lead somewhere quite different than it was originally supposed to, and have no idea yet where that will be.

This entry was originally posted at http://loligo.dreamwidth.org/385324.html.
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yuletide, fic

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