Hard Work Always Pays Off

Mar 23, 2017 19:57

Jared has just been named TIME Magazine’s “Man of the Year.”  Not only does he own one of the largest and most profitable construction companies in the United States, but he is also one of the leading charitable contributors to animal and human rights organizations.

He owns houses in New York and Washington and goes on vacation with his wife and daughters every summer.  He donated a large piece of land that is being converted into an animal rescue and rehabilitation center.  He also has property that is currently being used for non-profit housing units to help families who have come into hard times get back on their feet without the worry of where they will sleep or if they are all going to be able to eat that day.

As he sits in his penthouse office, he looks out the window to see a man stopping to tie his young son’s shoelace and he gets lost in memories…

“Jarod get outside and move those logs or we’ll have no heat tonight!”
“But daddy I don’t like moving logs.  I’m coloring.”
“If you’re old enough to complain, then you’re old enough to work.”
His father walks over, grabs his tiny hand and pulls him to his feet.
“You are starting first grade in a week and you won’t be able to help out as much anymore so you need to make up for it.”
His father throws on Jared’s coat and tightens his shoelaces before sending him out into the chilly morning air.
He eventually gets a break to eat lunch but is sent right back to his duties.  He uses his Playschool wagon to try to make the job easier and maybe just a little fun.  Just as the sun is setting he gets called in to set the table for dinner.

Jared flashes to being a sixteen-year-old young man just a few months into his sophomore year in high school.  He is coming down the stairs to have breakfast knowing that he is well prepared for his midterm today.  If he gets another “A” he will definitely make high honor roll again.  His mother sits across from him.
“Honey, we need to talk.”
Jared looks up from his cereal.
“You’re father and I can’t afford the mortgage anymore so we’re going to need you to start working full-time.”
“But mom, I’m already working thirty hours a week… What about school?”
“You can always get your G.E.D., but right now school is not important.  We could lose the house.  Plus, Joe has already offered you your own crew.  This will really help the family.”
Jared knows the decision has already been made and instead of putting on his sneakers, he grabs his work boots and heads out the door.
He never walks into a school again.

Within three months, he is a foreman and is paying the full mortgage on the house.

Jared finally flashes to his twenty-first birthday.  He is still stuck at the same company.  Not having finished school, he doesn’t feel his resume will be good enough to move up through the ranks.  He meets his future wife that night and jokes about someday owning his own company as he buys her a drink.

What he doesn’t realize is that just two years from now, he will be signing the paperwork to start his very own construction company.  Even though he was deprived of a conventional education, he is extremely smart and has already become a master at his trade.

Through his hard work, dedication, skills and connections, he was able to grow his company into the multibillion-dollar empire it is today.  But it was the love and support of his new family that gave him the confidence to finally believe in himself.

Jared has a loving wife and two beautiful daughters.  He cherishes them all, sometimes wondering how he was so blessed to have them in his life.  When the little ones ask how much he loves them, his answer is always the same.
“All the way around the world and back again.”
As he says this to them he places his index fingers back to back to illustrate his point.  This makes his daughters giggle as they throw their arms around his neck.  He assures his girls that no matter what they choose to do with their lives, he will support them and help them reach their goals.  While they sleep, he sneaks into their room to kiss their foreheads and whispers,
“I am, and always will be, proud to be your father.  You are my greatest accomplishment.”
Though he had to grow up fast, he knows his daughters will get the chance to enjoy their childhood.  No matter what life throws at them, he will always have them, and they will always have him.  He will teach them the lessons he learned and now knows how he can help them achieve their dreams.
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