I have too many blogs.
Seriously - I have a blog for NaNoWriMo. A blog for my Etsy shop. A blog for my 365 Portrait project. A tumblr for my Etsy shop. A tumblr full of inspirational images. And this LJ.
And somehow I want to make more...well not really, but all the segregation between blogs finds me needing another blog for yet another focused topic. Eesh. It's no wonder that I neglect most of these blogs, because not only can they be time consuming, but they each have a different site, login, etc that makes it quite the chore.
Somehow I need to get this rampant blogging/posting under control.
So here's my plan to declutter this year.
1. Expand and update my Etsy Blogger and turn it into a place to post about anything crafty (design, photo, my Etsy shop, sewing, etc).
2. Dump any inspirational/image based tumblrs and stick with
Pinterest (I love that site!)
3. Keep my LJ for more personal posts.
4. Expand my 365 Wordpress for photography/design work.
That should leave me with one Blogger site, one Wordpress site, Pinterest, LJ and a Tumblr (that will be used very very infrequently).
At least that's a little tidier for now. Once I get comfortable with Wordpress I may combine my Blogger with that site and have one big happy blogging place, but for now, this will work.