So many things are going on that my brain needs a trip to the Container Store. Of course that's just crazy talk so instead I'll compartmentalize my thoughts here:
1. NaNo: Things are going along. I'm around 20k and hope to break 22k today (crosses fingers). Only writing the one story now, but about to bust out the second one tomorrow. Hopefully that one will go much faster than the other.
2. Ad-life: Still looking for freelance work. I've been networking like a good kid and gotten some decent leads and advice for the P-town area. If you happen to know anyone in advertising/design in the area that I should talk to, lemme know! Otherwise, I've been keeping my skills up working on a few more portfolio pieces and design work. And I'm fixing up my website--streamlining mostly.
3. HP Fanaticism: I've been more active in the fandom this year. I participated in the Harry Draco Art fest (second time) and Remus/Sirius Games (first time), which went pretty well. I'll post the images once all have been revealed. I've got Ficadron fest coming up and I've signed up for a few BIG BANGs: Harry, Draco, Lupin. All with the goal of getting myself to draw more--so far it's improving. Now I just need to post stuff and often.
4. General Job search: I found a temp job doing customer service/tech support in the Portland area. It's not great, but hey it pays monies. We'll see how it goes.
5. Etsy: The shop is open (secretly)--I swear I'll do a big post soon--and selling stuff. Without even advertising I've managed to sell 6 items so far (which is half of what I've posted). I think if I really dedicated my time it could turn into something decent. So stay tuned.
6. Steampunk: Trying to get more social about it. I've sort of been a closet steampunk as I've been too broke or busy to meet folks in the area. Perhaps I'll finally go out this month and make some new friends offline. Who knows?
That is all!!!
And now, some Lady Gaga:
Click to view
I don't care if you don't like her or her music, but them costumes are FABULOUS! And I should know...cuz I know costumes. Really want that bear skin rug coat thing--love it.