Let's see how many times I can write "friends" in this post....oh, only 8...how disappointing...

Sep 18, 2004 20:13

I think I've decided that all my entries from here on in will be "Friends Only"....I started this thing in June or July 2001 as a way to pass time at work (the library baby....most boring job ever....though me and my co-worker, Will, did get to partake in some fun arts and crafts...haha). Besides a way to pass the time it was a ranting forum where I could just bitch about things and I didn't care who read it. Now, I have lots of people on my friends list (who are actual, real-life friends) and it's not that I write in this for my friends (though it is an efftive way to communicate and keep in touch) i just don't feel the need to share everything with the entire world anymore, I guess. And since LJ does not offer the feature to make all previous entries "friends only", I have to start fresh. So non-friends, enjoy the past 3 years of entries (haha). That is all. My first "friends-only" post will be along shortly. =)
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